Thursday, April 28, 2011

Happy Easter

All of the kids with their loot and candy from the Easter egg hunt my sister did. 
I made these with my own two hands!  I'm turning into quite the domestic goddess!  haha....don't look too closely, I was running out of frosting and I didn't want to make any more so I skimped on the top.  These take FOREVER!!! but they are so worth it.  I gained 2 pound over Easter and I blame these little bad boys!!
What is it with kids and bubbles? 
Savanna is quite pleased with her bubble that she thinks she made. 
After church Antonio wanted to take a picture because we can NEVER get Alexia to wear actual clothes let alone a dress.  I can't believe she isn't crying because usually when we get home she says "mom, I'm tired"....that is usually the cue for me to say "yes, you can wear pajamas".  My trick to avoid the meltdown was that I didn't let her go into the house until we had our picture.  hahaha....I'm a sneaky snake!!  Hope everyone had a good Easter.